Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Forging Day - The Long View

In the story, a mysterious Change causes roughly one third of the world's population to no longer be human. For the short term, after some initial uneasiness, I think people would roll with it. The lights are on. The internet still works. People still go to work.

Long term things I'm pondering, most well beyond the scope of my story:

If elves and other fantasy races are much longer lived than humans, what happens to social security? What happens to the retirement age?

The next time a census comes around, do they even bother with current racial subtypes? Do they have Human (list of subtypes), Elf (list of subtypes), Were (list of subtypes), etc. Just the race page for each person in the household would be several pages long.

The new races breed true in my stories, so someone that became a troll now has troll DNA. Some races are more fertile than others. I put humans at average. I think trolls have higher fertility. I pegged elves and dwarves with lower fertility, or maybe it's average but stretched out over a longer life span.

Do they come up with new names for children of mixed race? Given some of the crazy mixed breed dog names, it seems likely. What do you call a troll/elf mix? trelf? droll? drelf? Or, as happens in the real world, is the baby defined by society by what's seen as the least desirable portion of their parentage? Do these mixed breed children have trouble being accepted by anyone? Maybe initially. I would expect it to change over time - or would it get worse over time as groups fear losing their unique racial identity?

Do races that regenerate get a discount on their insurance premiums?

Magic exists now. I'm betting they try to get new laws on the book regarding magic use relatively quickly. I already mention in one of the books that weres have to follow certain rules approaching the full moon.

How would you handle jail for races that cannot easily be held? What about a life sentence for a being that lives for hundreds of years? I speculate that the Changed, at least those judged most physically dangerous, wouldn't often live long enough to have their day in court.

Would you have mixed race teams in professional sports? Can a human linebacker compete with an orc? Probably not. What about the Olympic games? Along with male and female, would they have racial subcategories for each event?

Yes, I spend a lot of time pondering the world I created for my characters. I just don't have all the answers.

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