Saturday, January 16, 2016

Hello 2016

I can't say that I enjoyed 2015. I'm glad it's over.

A blog seemed in order, so I thought I'd tweak it and ramble a bit.

On the good side, my first two books came out - Forging Day (book 1 in the Crucible of Change series) and Trick or Treat (as Lillian Ravenwood).
On the bad side, my husband was diagnosed with cancer. We continue to work on his recovery.

My daughter is supposedly in 10th grade. She hasn't actually done real academics since middle school and she's on her third (and hopefully final) high school setting. How do you motivate someone to do schoolwork when they see no value in school? She's smart and creative and can be totally charming...when she wants to be. Autism + teenage girl is a stone bitch.
And back to happier thoughts.

My co-worker is an awesome artist. He did this great cartoon for me of my daughter with her favorite best buddy - Pikachu.

This month the sequel to Forging Day is due out. It's called Family Values. Along with being a fantasy adventure story, I explore the different permutations of family - those we're born with and those we make. If it were a TV show, it would be rated TV-MA (or possibly NC-17). It's funny how graphic violence (at least here in the US) is more acceptable than graphic sex.

Anyway - 2016 is here and I have to make the best of it. My kid is doing better at this school than the last two. My husband is fighting cancer. I'd rather deal with those issues than be collecting his life insurance. The technical job in my department that I've wanted for over a year has been approved and someday may even get posted by HR. I have my fingers crossed. It would be such an amazing opportunity.

My craft business on Etsy actually made a profit for the second year in a row. It's almost like a real business. It would be doing even better if I could clone myself or spend less time playing Fallout or World of Warcraft.


  1. Pikachu! I share your daughter's Pikachu love. Can't name even a handful of other Pokemon, but there's something about a small, adorable critter who can kick ass that just speaks to me.

  2. YES!!! Family values is coming out. I can't wait!

    By the way graphic sex although not as common as graphic violence, is still very common and accepted--even in books outside of the romance and erotica genres. I am also talking about books published in the U.S. Don't let your editor/publisher tell you otherwise. I for one wouldn't mind a sex scene or two.
