Saturday, March 21, 2015

Character Study - Olivia

My new cover art inspired me to try my hand at drawing Olivia again.

Olivia is 25 years old. She somehow managed to graduate college. She has a degree in graphic design. She shares a house on the edge of Cheesman Park with friends. After a mysterious event known as The Change, Olivia finds herself to be a Dark Elf mage, though not quite as she'd envisioned.

Here's a small excerpt as she and Berto, one of her roommates, reflect on what's just happened to them a few hours before:

“Not that I mind getting my arm fixed and not bleeding to death, but why didn’t you use the glowy-light thing like you did on Mikah? My arm is killing me and I’m completely useless like this.”

He looked troubled. “I tried. I don’t know why it wouldn’t work. I couldn’t get it to work with Mike either. And why didn’t you shoot those little balls of light like you did before?”

“I forgot. I panicked and I forgot.” We both sat there, looking glum. “Oh my god, Berto. We’re noobs. We’re not even first level adventurers. We’re those idiots trying to figure out the tutorial—and I always skip the tutorial.”

“We’d better not skip this one. Our lives might just depend on it.”

“Somehow, when I dreamed about becoming a fantasy adventurer, I was always a max level character with epic gear. Look at me. I’m wearing vendor trash.”

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