Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I was working on doing the center pull ball for my beautiful silk merino blend yarn tonight and something went badly awry o_O.  I don't know quite how I managed without touching any scissors, but I think I'm up to 6 ends..okay, actually 4 ends now and one ball on its own.  I think I zigged when I should have zagged and started working from the wrong end - and then instead of stopping as soon as I realized the mistake, I started winding the end I did have in and out of the larger skein.  Anyway - I'll be working on it tomorrow while I work and when I watch Big Bang Theory.  Hopefully the lesson is now burned into my head to start the project right in the first place.

In other news, my giant 17+ pound lot of vintage/repair/misc. jewelry and whatnot I got on ebay arrived today.  I have much sorting and cleaning and scrubbing to do.  I really need to find a class (preferably online) on learning to identify jewelry styles and vintage pieces.  Google has not been particularly helpful in this area.  Sometimes even when I can find a mark, it gets so many hits that it's impossible to narrow down what exactly it is.  I'm all for repurposing things and making fun new items, but I don't want to dismantle something that has vintage value without knowing what I'm doing.

This large bottom box is about 12"x12"x6" and filled to the brim.

My iPhone alarm tells me it's time for meds, but I'm not ready to call it just yet.

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